Marketplace Comparison Insights (MCI) Guide

Marketplace Comparison Insights (MCI): Offers Reports

The Marketplace Comparison Insights (MCI) Offers Reports Guide aims to provide an overview of how MCI Offers reports can empower you to make informed decisions and optimize your offerings on our platform. By leveraging lead-level data reporting, MCI Offers reports enable lenders to gain valuable insights into the competitiveness of their offers in comparison to others presented to leads on our platform.

Understanding MCI Offers Reports

MCI Offers reports are comprehensive reports that provide detailed lead-level data insights to our lending partners. These reports serve as a powerful tool for lenders, providing a clear understanding of the offers presented to leads on our platform and where their own offers stand in terms of competitiveness.

Empowering Better Decisioning

MCI Offers reports enable lenders to make better-informed decisions by equipping them with crucial insights. By analyzing the data provided in these reports, lenders can evaluate the performance and effectiveness of their offers, identify areas for improvement, and adjust their strategies accordingly. This empowers lenders to optimize their underwriting process and enhance the overall effectiveness of their offerings.

Optimization of Partner Offerings

The data-driven insights from MCI Offers reports allow lenders to optimize their offerings on our platform. By comparing their offers to those presented to the same leads, lenders can assess the competitiveness of their offers in the marketplace and use the insights provided to identify opportunities for optimizing your offerings and improving competitiveness.

Leveraging MCI Offers Reports

To leverage the full potential of MCI Offers reports, we recommend the following best practices:

  • Regular Review: Regularly review the reports to stay up-to-date with the performance of

    your offers and make data-driven decisions.

  • Identify Opportunities: Use the insights provided to identify opportunities for optimizing

    your offerings and improving competitiveness of your offers

Report Details

MCI Offers reports are uploaded on a weekly basis, every Monday, in the Demand Control Center experience. The reports are downloaded as csv files. (Offer Management => Personal Loans => Data & Analytics => MCI Offers)

Here is a sample csv file:

Here is the definition of all the columns available in MCI Offers reports csv file:

Marketplace Comparison Insights (MCI): Rejections Reports

The Marketplace Comparison Insights (MCI) Rejections Reports Guide aims to provide an in-depth understanding of how the MCI Rejections Report can offer valuable insights into the other offers presented to leads that you rejected and did not provide offers to. By leveraging this report, lenders can gain a comprehensive understanding of the market's response to leads that were rejected based on their offer underwriting criteria.

Understanding MCI Offers Reports

The MCI Rejections Report provides lenders with detailed insights into the other offers that were presented to leads whom you rejected and did not provide offers to. This report allows lenders to see the types of offers these leads were offered, providing valuable information about market dynamics and how competitors are servicing similar leads.

Enhanced Market Insights

By analyzing the data provided in the MCI Rejections Report, lenders gain a deeper understanding of how the market is addressing leads that were rejected due to their offer underwriting criteria. Specifically, lenders will be able to see how many prequalified offers the lead saw, the corresponding terms, and whether or not they were clicked.

Leveraging the MCI Rejections Reports

To make the most of the MCI Rejections Report, we recommend the following best practices:

  • Regular Review: Consistently review the report to stay informed about the market's response to your rejected leads and gain insights for potential improvements.

  • Comparative Analysis: Analyze the terms, click rates, and overall competitiveness of other offers presented to rejected leads, enabling you to refine your underwriting criteria and enhance your offerings.

  • Adapt and Optimize: Utilize the insights from the report to make data-driven adjustments to your underwriting criteria and strategies, enhancing your ability to convert leads.

Report Details

MCI Rejections reports are uploaded on a weekly basis, every Monday, in the Demand Control Center experience. The reports are downloaded as csv files.

(Offer Management => Personal Loans => Data & Analytics => MCI Rejections)

Here is a sample csv file:

The MCI Rejections Report shares the same columns as the MCI Offers Report, however, the key distinction lies in the focus of the report. While the MCI Offers Report provides details about offers presented to leads alongside your offer, the MCI Rejections Report sheds light on the other offers presented to leads that you rejected.

Please refer to the Report Details section of MCI Offers report for more details.

Marketplace Comparison Insights (MCI): Conversions Reports

The Marketplace Comparison Insights (MCI) Conversions Report aims to provide an in-depth understanding of how the MCI Conversions Report can offer invaluable insights into funding information for leads to whom you extended an offer, but another lender ended up funding them. Additionally, this report offers a wealth of information about the specific offers these leads clicked on, your best offer to the lead, and details about the funded amount and time.

Understanding MCI Conversions Reports

The MCI Conversions Report is a comprehensive tool that offers insights into the outcomes of leads you provided offers to. It focuses on leads who received offers from you but were ultimately funded by other sources. The report provides a detailed breakdown of the entire conversion process for these leads.

Key Data Points in the MCI Conversions Report:

The MCI Conversions Report contains several critical data points that empower you with valuable information:

  • Lead Details: This section provides an overview of the loan purpose and loan amount the lead requested for.

  • Offer Information: Discover the details of the offer the lead clicked on and eventually funded.

  • Your Best Offer: Offer details of your best offer that was presented to the lead.

  • Funded Amount and Time: Gain insights into the amount funded to the lead and the date the lead was funded.

Leveraging the MCI Conversions Reports

The MCI Conversions Report offers you a unique opportunity to enhance your lending strategies and make data-driven decisions. Here's how you can leverage these insights:

  • Regular Review: Routinely review the report to stay informed about the outcomes of your leads.

  • Continuous Improvement: Use the data to refine your offers, conversion strategies, and competitiveness in the market.

  • Adapt and Thrive: By adapting based on the insights from this report, you can stay competitive and achieve better conversion rates.

Report Details

MCI Conversions reports are uploaded on a weekly basis, every Monday, in the Demand Control Center experience. The reports are downloaded as csv files.

(Offer Management => Personal Loans => Data & Analytics => MCI Conversions)

Last updated