Performance Summary Reports

View data on conversions, earnings, and more for each integration, utilizing our Performance Reporting.

In this article, we’ll show you how to access and interpret the following reports:

  • Earnings Report (per account)

  • Earnings Report (per integration)

  • Funnel Report (per integration)

How to access your reports:

Once you have successfully created an account in Control Center, you will be able to access your customized reports via the left-hand navigation bar, under: Channels > Performance Summary.

After clicking on the Performance Summary, you will land directly on the Earnings Report page for your integration. From here, you can toggle between the Earnings Report and Funnel Report to access each one individually. We have added several features to give you a wider, more accessible view of your reports. These features include a variety of easy-to-use filters, and an export option (on the upper right of the page) if you want to do any personalized analysis.

We have also created multiple visualizations to track your data over different periods of time. You can choose between line and bar graphs (below), or even hide the graph and opt solely for the table view at the bottom of the page. We encourage you to use the grouping feature to better aggregate your data and visualize trends.

Line Graph

Bar Graph

Earnings Report (per account)

To view a summary of earnings over time and across all integrations, select your account name in the search bar under the “Performance Summary” header. At the top of the report, you will see several boxes with earnings for each vertical as well as "Total Earnings." These amounts represent the actual payout you received from Engine by MoneyLion over the date range specified at the top of the page (to the right of the account name).

Earnings Report (per integration)

To access reports for a certain integration, specify your desired integration in the search bar under the “Performance Summary” header. This will automatically display the respective earnings report for that integration.

All metric definitions for the Earnings Report (per integration) are consistent with the Earnings Report (per account).

Funnel Report (per integration)

To access the Funnel Report per integration, simply click on the “Funnel” report to the right of the “Earnings” report. Please note that the funnel metrics are displayed above the chart and the “Grouped By” drop-down menu changes per vertical.

See below for more clarity on metric definitions and what they mean for each vertical.

Personal Loans/SLR

Leads: Count of unique leads directed to a landing page either via preview or application step. As you view lead metrics, please note that if the same lead comes in through desktop and mobile, it will be counted as two leads.

Submitted Applications: Count of leads who fill out all fields and submit an application (e.g., a user clicks “Get Offers” button).

Pre-Approved Applications: Count of leads who receive one or multiple pre-approved and/or pre-qualified loan offers from lending partners.

Unique Offer Clicks: Total count of unique clicks across loan offers and secondary offers.

Funded Loans: Total count of funded loans from all lending partners.

Attributed Earnings: Estimated value of payout based on the leads attributed to the dates in the report. Please note that Attributed Earnings will vary from your Total Earnings value, as loan applications often take several days for a consumer to fund. You can view your actual payout at any time in the Earnings report under “Total Earnings.”

“Grouped By” Options:

  • Day

  • Week

  • Month

  • Credit Bucket (user-provided estimate)

  • Loan Purpose is a field that specifies the consumer’s primary motivation to request a loan. Common Loan Purpose options include: Debt Consolidation, Credit Card Refinance, Home Improvement, Special Occasion, Large Purchase, Student, Auto, Baby, Boat, Business, Green Loan, Household Expenses, Medical And Dental, Moving And Relocation, Taxes, Vacation, and Other.

Credit Cards

Leads: Count of total number of users per integration that start the application. A user is only counted if they start an application.

Submitted Application: Count of leads who fill out all fields and submit an application (e.g., a user clicks “Get Offers” button).

Unique Offer Clicks: Total count of unique clicks for credit card offers.

Approvals: Count of total credit card approvals from issuer partners.

Attributed Earnings: Estimated value of payout based on the leads attributed to the dates in the report. Please note that Attributed Earnings will vary from your Total Earnings value, because credit card applications often take several days to process. You can view your actual payout at any time in the Earnings Report under “Total Earnings.”

“Grouped By” Options:

  • Day

  • Week

  • Month


Leads: Count of users that enter a deposit amount.

Clicked Offers: Total count of unique clicks for savings offers.

Attributed Earnings: Estimated value of payout based on the leads attributed to the dates in the report. Please note that Attributed Earnings will vary from your Total Earnings value, because savings applications often take several days for a consumer to fund. You can view your actual payout at any time in the Earnings Report under “Total Earnings.”

“Grouped By” Options:

  • Day

  • Week

  • Month

Life Insurance

Leads: Count of leads once a consumer begins interacting with the form.

Submitted Quote Applications: Count of leads who completed basic health questions.

Submitted Lead Applications: Count of leads who selected a specific quote and consented to submitting an application.

Submitted Application to Carrier: Count of leads who submitted an application to a carrier.

Policy in Force: Count of leads who have acquired a life insurance policy.

Attributed Earnings: Estimated value of payout based on the leads attributed to the dates in the report. Please note that Attributed Earnings will vary from your Total Earnings value, because life insurance applications often take several days to finalize. You can view your actual payout at any time in the Earnings Report under “Total Earnings.”

Grouped By” Options:

  • Day

  • Week

  • Month

Reporting for Custom Lead Attributes

  • Coming soon

Last updated